Breakdown & Accidents - QDrive Performance

Breakdown & Accidents

In the unfortunate event of an accident, it’s crucial to follow these steps diligently to ensure a proper response and to safeguard your insurance coverage:

Collect the following information:

  • Date of the accident.
  • Time of the accident.
  • Exact location of the accident.
  • Third Party Name.
  • Third Party Vehicle Information.
  • Third Party Insurance Information.
  • Number of passengers in the vehicles involved.
  • Third Party Telephone Number.
  • Details of any witnesses present.
Immediate Action:
Coordinate with the Third Party:
  • Ask the third party involved in the accident to contact their insurance company.
Document and Share Information:
Taking these steps promptly and comprehensively is essential to ensure a proper response and to maintain the validity of your insurance coverage. Your safety and the appropriate handling of the situation are our top priorities.
If you experience a breakdown, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for immediate assistance. We are available 24/7 to provide the support you need. Please contact us at the following numbers:
Our team is here to ensure your safety and resolve any issues you may encounter while using our services.
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